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Are you one of the « lucky » 30 million users whose info was stolen?

Facebook has now detailed what data was scraped and stolen in the breach it revealed two weeks ago.

Here is how you can find out if you are one of 30 million Facebook users that got hit by the access token breach.

Visit this url :
while you’re logged in on Facebook and scroll down to the section « Is my Facebook account impacted by this security issue? »

You will see a Yes or No answer. If it’s a Yes you will see what of your Facebook account information hackers accessed.

What should you do if you were hacked?

While there is no evidence that hackers actually know your password we still recommend changing it. Besides that, you should be even more alert for phishing attempts or scam emails.

Hackers may also have enough personal information to answer security questions and thus gaining access to your accounts. So it’s more important to make sure that all your security questions are safe than changing the actual passwords of your accounts.

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