Je dois mettre en place une automatisation qui me permettrait d’envoyer un email à des personnes ayant liké un post linkedin de ma page entreprise.
J’ai déjà demandé à PhantomBuster, c’est jouable mais en cumulant plusieurs phantoms :
- use LinkedIn Activity Extractor to export posts from your company page, including the URLs of those posts;
- use the results obtained in the first step as input for the LinkedIn Post Likers Export to retrieve likers of those posts, including the URLs of their LinkedIn profiles;
- use the results obtained in the second step as input for the LinkedIn Profile Scraper to scrape all the available information from those profiles including their email addresses (if publicly available);
- use the results obtained in the third step as input for our LinkedIn Profiles to lemlist Campaign Phantom to promptly migrate LinkedIn profile data to your lemlist email campaign.
Avez vous une autre idée de technique plus simple par hasard ?
A ma connaissance, Team For the Planet avait mis en place une automatisation similaire.
Merci pour vos retours !