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j’ai pris un compte sur https://www.emaillistvalidation.com depuis un deal appsumo https://appsumo.com/products/email-list-validation/

Je suis en train de tester le service voir un peu ce que ça renvoie comme statuts.
je constate des différences avec nojunk par exemple

avez vous déjà testé le service ? avez vous un retour à me faire sur sa fiabilité ?

leur API est un peu chelou, elle renvoi juste du texte (pas json) et avec moins de statuts que dans leurs analyses. j’ai du mal à comprendre pourquoi.

Ah et apparament ils sont français :wink: je viens de voir ça E-Mailing : Délivrabilité optimale avec EmailValidation (itw)

ils viennent de me renvoyer tous les codes de retour de l’api
c’ets plus complet que ds la doc

• Ok : Al is OK. The server is saying that it is ready to receive a letter to, this address, and no tricks have been detected.
• Error: The server is saying that delivery failed, but no information about, the email exists.
• Smtp_error: The SMTP answer from the server is invalid or the destination server, reported an internai error to us.
• Smtp_protocol: The destination server allowed us to connect but the SMTP, session was closed before the email was verified.
• Unknown_email: The server said that the delivery failed and that the email address does not exist.
• Attempt_rejected: The delivery failed; the reason is similar to « rejected ».
• Relay_error: The delivery failed because a relaying problem took place.
• Antispam_system: Sorne anti-spam technology is blocking the, verification progress.
• Email_disabled: The email account is suspended, disabled, or limited and can not, receive emails.
• Domain_error: The email server for the whole domain is not installed or is, incorrect, so no emails are deliverable.
• Ok_for_all: The email server is saying that it is ready to accept letters,to any email address.
• Dead_server: The email server is dead, and no connection to it could be established.
• Syntax_error: There is a syntax error ir:i the email address.
• Unknown: The email delivery failed, but no reason was given.
• Accept_all: The server is set to accept all emails at a specific domain. These domains accept any email you send to them.
• Disposable: The email is a temporary address to receive letters and expires, after a certain time period.
• Spam_traps: The email address is maintained by an ISP or a third party, which neither clicks nor opens emails.
• lnvalid vendor: The response is not recognized by our server. The SMTP server sent us a response which is not recogn ized by our server.